Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be Back Soon!

This will probably be my last post for a little while. If you've been reading my blog, then you know that tomorrow I will go into the hospital and then will have a Partial Colectomy on Thursday.

Know this: I am not afraid. Most of the time I would be afraid to have surgery. In fact, I have had three surgeries. The first one was an emergency c-section, I had no time to be scared that time. The second was getting my tonsils out. I was afraid that time. Funny thing is, my sister asked me not too long ago, "You got your tonsils out??" She was the one who took me. Dork. My third surgery was a scheduled c-section, that time I was pretty darned scared. The spinal block made me feel like I couldn't breathe and I had a serious panic attack.

I have studied up on this surgery. I know what to expect. I know that I will be under anesthetic for 2-4 hours and that my doctor is the very best and has performed this procedure many times. I know that I have Jesus on my side. I know that He will be there to guide the doctors. I know that the very worst thing that could happen would be that I would pass from this evil place and into the presence of the Father - worst thing, maybe the best thing. Paul tells us that to die is gain. Of course, I don't want that to happen, I want to watch my children grow up, I want to grow old with Vaughn, but if that's the worst that could happen then I have nothing to be afraid of.

Anyway, after the surgery, I might have a very large incision to take care of, I know I will have some healing time. I have friends and family who have promised to come visit. If you go to First Baptist Church in Borger and you go to the church library to check out a book and its not there, I'm so sorry, Sandi Clark has probably already checked out the entire library to keep me company during my hospital stay. I have some pretty awesome friends. I have some pretty awesome family. I got a pretty special email this morning from my sister-in-law. I am constantly getting reminders of how deeply I am loved. God has me just covered up with love, my cup is just runnin over.

I love you all so much!!

1 comment:

TheShermanFam said...

Hey, lady!! How are you doing?? Haven't heard an update in a while. Hope all is well!
Did I spy you in church yesterday??